The power of subconscious on your actions


Have you ever wanted to do something but never succeeded to do it?

Every new year I set up my resolutions of the year: “This year, I will do a diet and lose weight”

What happen then?

Well, maybe it works for one week, but after that, I just happen to “forget” about it.

I think it happens to everyone to be afraid to do something…For example a sales call, or a presentation in public

Then you tell yourself: “I am not afraid, let’s do it”

And then what happen?

I am not doing it because “I have not time, I have to do something else”.

I know this is just an excuse because I can always find time for what I like.

Have you ever wondered why are those things happening?

If we are not able to control our behavior simply by thinking through it… what is actually controlling our behavior?


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How do I make my technical product different?

Yesterday, I was watching again “The pursuit of Happiness” with Will smith and I was thinking that probably many technical sales are in a similar situation.

In the movie, Will Smith is a Salesman visiting hospitals to sell healthcare equipment. He visits a lot of hospitals but sales become scarcer and finally he run out of money, fight with his wife and is expelled from his apartment because he is unable to pay the rent.

Those machine he has to sell are very cumbersome and Will Smith has a hard time to transport them every day to visit hospitals.

The movie is about how he finds a way out by being persistent and hard-working and shows very well the difficulty to be a Salesman of technical equipment.


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You can do ANYTHING, if you know how

Doing occasionally technical support, I have heard so many times:

“I cannot do this, I cannot do that…”

And then, most of the time comes a request that has nothing to do with technical support…


“I don’t understand why something is not working like it should…”

The problem here is not the “something”, it’s the “I don’t understand”…

That’s what I would like to answer:

“You can do anything, if you know how


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Get everything you want by asking the right questions

I still remember about this workshop with the team from a few years ago as if it was yesterday, because of the impact it had on my life.

It was a hot summer and all the people from the team were there. I remember we were together to discuss about how to be more successful and how to improve the synergy between us.

Each of us had to do some presentation and speech about his own achievements and goals for the next half of the year. That was great because it was an opportunity to learn from all the very best of the team.


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difference between benefits and features

Are you making the difference between benefits and features?

For those who know the answer, this question seem trivial…but that’s not the case for everyone and that’s why I am writing this post.

Actually, once when I was a young engineer without knowledge of sales or marketing, I didn’t know the difference myself. When I discovered there was a HUGE difference between benefits and features, I started to stop to use these 2 words interchangeably and I started to pay attention on what I was really saying to prospects and clients.

I hope this will enlighten you as well!


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Why you NEED to study Sales to be successful

When I started to work in technical Sales, I wasn’t convinced at all of the need to learn about Sales.

I was thinking that “Sales” is not something that could or should be learnt… because:

1- People choose to buy if they want and if they need what I have to sell.

2- If what I sell is really good, I don’t need to sell anything, people will see it and buy it.

I was blind and stupid.

face palm sales

That’s something that I can only tell after “experiencing” how much I was wrong…

(and that’s not easy to say it, but that’s the truth…)

I don’t know if you feel the same than me but sometimes I just think “I am so right” and I try to prove to everyone around how much I am… to discover few weeks (or months) after that I was in fact telling bullshits…

Here are the reasons I was wrong


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